CDK on OpenStack

The Charmed Distribution of Kubernetes® will run seamlessly on OpenStack. With the addition of the openstack-integrator, your cluster will also be able to directly use OpenStack native features.

OpenStack integrator

The openstack-integrator charm simplifies working with CDK on OpenStack. Using the credentials provided to Juju, it acts as a proxy between CDK and the underlying cloud, granting permissions to dynamically create, for example, Cinder volumes.


When installing CDK using the Juju bundle, you can add the openstack-integrator at the same time by using the following overlay file (download it here):

    charm: cs:~containers/openstack-integrator
    num_units: 1
  - ['openstack-integrator', 'kubernetes-master']
  - ['openstack-integrator', 'kubernetes-worker']

To use this overlay with the CDK bundle, it is specified during deploy like this:

juju deploy charmed-kubernetes --overlay ~/path/openstack-overlay.yaml

Then run the command to share credentials with this charm:

juju trust openstack-integrator

… and remember to fetch the configuration file!

juju scp kubernetes-master/0:config ~/.kube/config

For more configuration options and details of the permissions which the integrator uses, please see the charm readme.

Using Cinder volumes

Many pods you may wish to deploy will require storage. Although you can use any type of storage supported by Kubernetes (see the storage documentation), you also have the option to use Cinder storage volumes, if supported by your OpenStack.

A cinder storage class will be automatically created for you when the integrator is used. This storage class can then be used when creating a Persistent Volume Claim:

kubectl create -f - <<EOY
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: testclaim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 100Mi
  storageClassName: cinder

This should finish with a confirmation. You can check the current PVCs with:

kubectl get pvc

…which should return something similar to:

NAME        STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
testclaim   Bound    pvc-54a94dfa-3128-11e9-9c54-028fdae42a8c   1Gi        RWO            cinder         9s

This PVC can then be used by pods operating in the cluster. As an example, the following deploys a busybox pod:

kubectl create -f - <<EOY
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: busybox
  namespace: default
    - image: busybox
        - sleep
        - "3600"
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      name: busybox
        - mountPath: "/pv"
          name: testvolume
  restartPolicy: Always
    - name: testvolume
        claimName: testclaim

Note: If you create Cinder volumes and subsequently tear down the cluster, check with the OpenStack administration tools to make sure all the associated resources have also been released.

Using LBaaS load balancers

With the openstack-integrator charm in place, actions which invoke a loadbalancer in Kubernetes will automatically request a load balancer from OpenStack using Octavia, if available, or Neutron. This can be demonstrated with a simple application. Here we will create a simple application running in five pods:

kubectl run hello-world --replicas=5 --labels="run=load-balancer-example"  --port=8080

You can verify that the application and replicas have been created with:

 kubectl get deployments hello-world

Which should return output similar to:

 hello-world      5/5               5                            5             2m38s

To create a LoadBalancer, the application should now be exposed as a service:

 kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=hello

To check that the service is running correctly:

kubectl get service hello

…which should return output similar to:

NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
hello   LoadBalancer  8080:32662/TCP   2m

You can see that the External IP is now in front of the five endpoints of the example deployment. You can test the ingress address:

Hello Kubernetes!

Note: If you create load balancers and subsequently tear down the cluster, check with the OpenStack administration tools to make sure all the associated resources have also been released.

Upgrading the integrator charm

The openstack-integrator is not specifically tied to the version of CDK installed and may generally be upgraded at any time with the following command:

juju upgrade-charm openstack-integrator


If you have any specific problems with the openstack-integrator, you can report bugs on Launchpad.

For logs of what the charm itself believes the world to look like, you can use Juju to replay the log history for that specific unit:

juju debug-log --replay --include openstack-integrator/0